
Delaunay Triangles

And how to use them to increase perceived speed.

Prototype: Interactive Blocks

Another silly prototype, this time with rigid body physics.

Experiment: Sentiment Blocks

A little bit of fun on top of tweets + sentiment

Traffic Woes

Recently, I moved out of the city and got smacked in the face with the daily commute. I tapped into Google's Transit data to try figure out a better departure time. There wasn't (at least, for anyone sane).

Prototype: JavaScript Bullet Hell

Built on top of the code from the point/grid network, I've been fiddling around with getting a semi-functional game setup to use for rapid prototyping of "Boss AI".

#feesmustfall data

During the #feesmustfall protests, I logged most tweets with the intention of drawing up some interesting stats...which I never got around to.

Wordpress vs Custom

As with most things, WordPress meets the needs of a specific task and is excellent at doing certain things. In fact 48% of CMS driven websites are using it. Before Wordpress ...

Real time sentiment analysis

I've been meaning to make the effort to fiddle with Node.js for awhile, and for lack of a better idea I've decided to dive in to what seems to be the staple for Node.js newbies; a simple app that will stream updates from Twitter.